Saturday, April 24, 2010


“Tears are not for breakup;

But for the sorrow, that we may not meet again;” --- paul

Silence rules.......

“She might not be back for ever;

It’s the last sight of her;

It’s the last meet;

What’s your last word, towards your loved one?” --- paul

Monday, April 12, 2010


“I could still sense your fingers,
Even though they are not with me;

I could still see your shade,
Even though you’re not with me;

I could still feel your love,
Even though it’s not on me;

Only thing I could not resist is your absence.” --- paul

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Can I

“I can do” might not do everything for you;

But “I’m capable to do” might do everything for you;

--- paul